Maverick director Ram Gopal Varma had introduced a Brazilian Beauty Nathalia Kaur in an item song in his last movie, Department.Despite the movie’s failure, Nathalia had bagged decent recognition in Bollywood. She recently danced for an item number in Naveen Chandra’s Dalam. The movie is yet to be released and now she had bagged one more chance. She will be shaking legs with Nagarjuna in his upcoming movie, Bhai. Apparently, a part of the song has already been shot in Bangkok and the remaining part of the shoot is going to take place in Hyderabad.
She will be soon be seen in another item number in Naveen Chandra, Piaa Bajpai starrer Dalam. Nathalia is currently in Hyderabad. She will be performing today at MAA Music awards. Touted to be a comedy action entertainer, Bhai is directed by Poolarangadu fame Veerabhadram Chowdary. Music Devil Devi Sri Prasad will be rendering music for Nagarjuna’s upcoming movie ‘Bhai’. Devi had previously scored music for Nagarjuna’s Manmadhudu, Mass and King. All of them are musical hits. The movie is produced by Nagarjuna himself under the banner Annapurna Studio. Actress Richa Gangopadhyay is playing the female lead role in the movie.