All surveys predicted KCR’s led TRS to sweep polls whenever they are held in Telangana region. This is the main reason why Congress headed by Sonia Gandhi forced the UPA government to bifurcate Andhra Pradesh to form Telangana. Congress bosses felt that once they form Telangana, it can make TRS merge with Congress.
However they were in for a rude shock when TRS chief KCR went back on his promise to merge and started putting hard conditions. Jairam Ramesh who played key role in the division of Telangana, miffed with TRS chief KCR, decided to counter the party. In his mission he decided to woo TJAC leaders who till now supported KCR. He warned them if they support KCR, then they will get only Telangana ruled by landlords and family.
He asked them to support Telangana for the people and invited them to join Congress. He asked TJAC leaders to join and help in the development of Telanagna. At the sametime TJAC leaders informed him that they are not confident that KCR will give them tickets even though they played key role in Telangana formation.