Rajamouli has recently announced about his latest flick with Prabhas. Even he announced that his working title for this film is ‘Bahu Bali’, which means a strong man. Rajamouli called for entries from 8 to 60 years of age for auditioning the casting in this film. It is heard that this film is going to be a folk tale that were seen in olden black and white days of NTR like ‘Gandi kota rahasyam’.
The successful combo of super hit film ‘Chatrapathi’ with Prabhas and Rajamouli is going to be seen soon on screens again. Even Prabhas is taking this opportunity so seriously that he is continuously hitting gym to keep himself in shape and is heard that in few scenes of the movie, Prabhas is going to be seen in full beard. That might be the reason he was found with beard in Mirchi audio function.