Comedian turned hero Sunil is showing his box office potential with his latest film Bhimavaram Bullodu. This film opened to very bad reviews and response from public. But that is not stopping it from drawing the crowds in big numbers. As per early estimates, Bhimavaram Bullodu is all set to collect a share of Rs. 7 crore in its first weekend.
Bhimavaram Bullodu is made on a reasonable budget and the mass appeal this film has is creating wonders at the Box office. This shows Sunil’s crowd pulling power among the masses. This film is doing exceptionally well in B and C centers. Trade expected the film’s collections to drop on second day.
But BB is surprisingly strong on second and also opened well today. If the film manages to stay strong in the weekdays, it will end up in profits by the end of second weekend. Sunil definitely has good following among the masses and this has been proved time and again. This time he is doing it with flop talk leaving everyone in awe. Take that Critics!