Rich tributes were paid to Nandamuri Taraka Rama Rao, founder of the TDP on the occasion of his 17th death anniversary on Friday. All his family members and several party leaders gathered at the NTR Ghat to remember him.
Hari Krishna, Jr. NTR, Kalyana Ram, union minister Purandareswari and others came to the NTR Ghat and paid floral tributes. In Rasoolpura, hero Bala Krishna and TDP chief Chandra Babu Naidu’s son Lokesh garlanded the statue of NTR and paid tributes. Balayya flagged off the Amara Jyoti Rally from Rasoolpira to the NTR Ghat to mark the occasion.
Party workers and fans turned up in large numbers for the programme. Speaking on the occasion, Bala Krishna said NTR was a beacon of hope for the poor the weaker sections.