The Andhra Pradesh High Court has become the go-to for the people of Andhra Pradesh, to solve any or all of their problems, as any and every minor and major issue seems to go to only the HC these days. Now, the issue of Nellore’s Anandaiah’s medicine has gone to the AP High Court.
Anandaiah administers eye drops to people suffering from vision problems, in Nellore’s Krishnapatnam. While many have expressed satisfaction and trust in Anandaiah’s medicine, the AP Police have stopped Anandaiah from administering this medicine anymore, citing that AP Lokayukta has given the orders to stop the administration of the medicine.
Two petitions have been filed against the stopping of the medicine administration in the HC. One petitioner asked for a valid reason behind the stopping of the medicine administration, especially given that patients are dependant on them, and some might lose their lives if the medicines are not allowed to be given. The petitioner also said that the Police department cannot stop the administration of the medicine as there’s no law and order problem, which is the only ground on which they can act.
The HC has admitted both the petitions, and the hearing on these petitions will take place on May 27th.