Ek Mini Katha starring Santosh Sobhan and Kavya Thapar is all set to stream on OTT platform Amazon Prime Video from May 27. Ahead of the release, writer Merlapaka Gandhi has revealed an interesting thing about this film. By now, everyone knows the basic storyline of the film.
Now, the writer said the film is based on small penis syndrome, which he read from a newspaper column.
Most of the people are aware of Samaram’s columns in Swathi magazine, where the doctor answers questions related to private issues. Just before lockdown last year, Merlapaka Gandhi has come across an article where he read about small penis syndrome, which he read 10 years back.
After finding it interesting, the writer along with his team has developed a story. We will come to know what issues does the movie team showed in this film and how the makers addressed the issue.