It is all set to make a film in both Telugu and Hindi on Delhi Gang rape incident with Charmi as victim. Komaram Bheem award winner, director Allani Sridhar of Ratnavali and Budda fame is planning to make a film in this back drop with Charmi in the lead. Talking about this project, Sridhar mentioned that Charmi will fit the role exactly and can do justice to the role of victim. That is why we approached Charmi. The movie is currently penning down its script and will go sets soon.
This director has acquired a national fame with the award winning films like Budda, Komaram Bheem. And the producer Chadalawada Srinivas Rao who produced the classic films like Matrudevo bava, Erra sainyam is going to produce this film. Soon Charmi is going to be seen in a meaningful cinema on the incident that alerted the nation in the recent times.