Gorgeous beauty Shraddha Das has been in the film industry for the past 13 years and did many films. Despite indulging in a lot of glamour show, she never managed to gain star status. She has not confined herself to heroine roles and is doing character roles too. The actress recently sizzled in Santosh Sobhan’s recent ‘Ek Mini Katha’.
She is quite active on social media and often posts stunning pictures. But she recently posted a black and white where she is seen smoking. This shocked many people but she wrote, “Working still…The irony is that I hate smoking…But an actor’s gotta do what an actor’s gotta do.”
While a fan questioned her if it was a real cigarette or a dummy one, she replied that it was real. She added a hashtag that says ‘Smoking is Injurious to Health’. The ‘Arya 2’ girl is currently acting in ‘Ardham’ and ‘Nireekshana’ in Telugu and ‘Kotigobba’ in Kannada.