Despite making her Bollywood debut as Sridevi’s daughter, young actress Janhvi Kapoor is trying to make her mark in Bollywood. Apart from showcasing her glamour, she is trying to prove her mettle as an actress with ‘Gunjan Saxena’. She is currently working on a couple of films but she is yet to get that star appeal.
Nonetheless, Janhvi enjoys a lot of following on social media. Her gorgeous looks earned her a lot of fans and she often pleases them with stunning photoshoots. This time, she amazed everyone with her heavenly beauty. Dressed in a loose white outfit, she is appearing like an angel who is walking in a paradise. This photoshoot was done in the middle of greenery which makes it even more beautiful.
She is seen happily dancing around as and wrote, ‘And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.’ Isn’t she looking absolutely fantastic?
There are a lot of speculations about Janhvi’s South India debut but nothing has been finalized yet.