With the lockdown lifted completely in Telangana, the bigwigs of Tollywood are getting back to work. The shooting of ‘Acharya’ will be resuming soon and Koratala Siva is going to make sure that it gets wrapped up in a quick way. There is a rumor spreading across the industry that Megastar is going to work his sentiment once again for this much-awaited social drama.
Two of Chiranjeevi’s films – ‘Rudraveena’ and ‘Tagore’ bagged National Awards and there is a common link between them. In both these memorable films, revolutionary poet Sri Sri’s prestigious ‘Nenu Saitham’ stanzas were used. It gelled into the film perfectly and brought emotion out of everyone. Since Koratala is a social drama with a Naxalite backdrop, Koratala is planning on using some of the words which came out from Sri Sri’s pen. If it is true, the fans will surely expect another National Award for ‘Acharya’.
As we know, Ram Charan is playing the important role of Siddha in this movie that is written and directed by Koratala Siva. Pooja Hegde will be seen as Charan’s love interest while Kajal is the heroine for Megastar. Mani Sharma is the music composer and the first song ‘Laahe Laahe’ got a good response from the audience. Talk in town suggests that Chiru’s role was inspired by a rebel in Vizag Sayudha Poratam.