India’s ace director Rajamouli is known for his perfection. His supreme ability has resulted in record-breaking films over the past two decades. We usually know that Rajamouli spends all his time focusing on the film he is making and makes sure that everything is perfect. This is the reason why he takes long gaps before starting another project.
He nearly took a year to start ‘RRR’ after ‘Baahubali’. But looks like he may not take such a huge gap for his next movie. Since ‘RRR’ took a lot of time due to lockdown and other reasons, Rajamouli is reportedly in no mood to delay his next project. Sources say that he already decided on the story for his next film with Mahesh Babu during the lockdown.
As soon as ‘RRR’ releases, Rajamouli will be working on the screenplay and other aspects which may take 2-3 months. KL Narayana will be bankrolling this much-awaited movie and the talks have already begun between the hero, director and producer as per reports. By the time Rajamouli finishes the script work, Mahesh will also wrap up the work of his upcoming project with Trivikram. Seems like the Mahesh-Rajamouli combo may happen sooner than we expected.