After making Revanth Reddy the PCC chief in Telangana, the Congress High Command is now said to be focusing on Andhra Pradesh. It now wants to reconstitute a new PCC and replace inactive Shailajanath with someone who could breathe life into the moribund party.
And what are its options? The Congress today does not have any leader worth the name. Many seniors have either retired from political life or have joined the other parties. While many joined the YSRCP, some joined the TDP. Some like Kanna Lakshminarayana have joined the BJP. The party organisation is in a bad shape and the party did not organise even a single protest worth the name in the last two years. Recently party observer Oomen Chandy visited AP for two days and met several leaders.
The grapevine has it that the Congress High Command is trying to bring back another leader who has left the party and hand him over the reins of the party. The leader in question is former chief minister Nallari Kiran Kumar Reddy. Kiran Kumar Reddy comes from a dyed-in-the-wool Congress family and worked hard for the party for decades. However, he fell out with the party leadership on the issue of the AP bifurcation. He then formed the Jai Samaikyandhra Party, which contested 2019 elections. The party failed to make a mark. Since then, Kiran Kumar Reddy was in hibernation for over two years.
The Congress High Command feels that Kiran Kumar Reddy still has a lot of goodwill among the people of Andhra Pradesh for his strong advocacy of united AP. He was not corrupt. She still has some fans in the state. By bringing him as the PCC chief, the high command, according to those in the know, feels that the party can be revived in AP