Surya’s brother and Tamil action hero Karthi is facing a tough luck. He faced a dud with the film ‘Shakuni’ last year and his latest film ‘Alex Pandian’ was released yesterday in Tamil nadu, on which he has lot of expectations to start a successful journey in this New Year, but as per the Tamil media hassle, it is evident that Alex Pandian also gone a big flop at box office. The sad thing is producer Gnanvel raja earlier planned to release the film on the same date in both Tamil and Telugu with the title ‘Bad boy’. But due to the powerful Sankranthi race in Tollywood with the films like ‘Nayak’ and ‘Seethamma Vakitlo Sirimalle Chettu’, there was no theater left free to screen ‘Bad boy’. Hence producer decided to release this film later in Telugu. But due to the flop talk in Tamil, producer is rethinking about its release in Telugu now.
Karthi has become the first person to flop his film even before its release in Telugu. Bad luck to bad boy.