Actor Pawan Kalyan’s entry into politics is now more or less confirmed with reports that on March 14, 2014, he will be floating his own party followed by an address to his fans and Telugu people publicizing his ideology and the reason for entering politics.
Sources say that Pawan Kalyan is expected to talk about his philosophy in life, the future and how he would like people to join him in his endeavour to clean the current political system. Sources also add that actor’s brothers Chiranjeevi and Nagendra Babu are doing everything possible. It is heard that they are trying to stop their younger brother from entering politics, since Chiranjeevi is already with the Congress, but Pawan Kalyan has reportedly conveyed them in no uncertain terms that he is clear about the path that he chose.
Hence there are reports that mega brothers are trying everything they can to use bigwigs in the film industry to convince Pawan that politics is not an easy thing and he may end jeopardizing all goodwill he has earned so far.