Director Samuthrakani suicide attempt news shocked kollywood industry recently, but director denied that he did not do any such acts and he would never do that. Samuthrakani says that he was out of station to have a look at locations for his next film and taking this a chance media started saying I attempted suicide.
Samuthrakani close friends called him regarding this issue and he fired on media after knowing this, Samuthrakani called for a press meet and said that he would file a case on all those media channels for displaying such news without any clarification. He said that he would maintain a website to clarify all rumors.
Reason behind this news is that Samuthrakani latest Tamil movie is in troubles at censor issues and taking that in serious Samuthrakani attempted suicide. Meanwhile a top producer updates his twitter to take care of Samuthrakani regarding his health issues which adds more fire to this news making it as a highlight.