It has been almost three months that firebrand politician Motkupalli Narsimhulu has resigned from the BJP and has begun backing the ruling TRS to the hilt. He is being invited to the meetings on the prestigious Dalit Bandhu scheme at Pragati Bhavan as a special guest. He is being given a special place. But, KCR is yet to formally invite him into the TRS. As a result, he is neither here nor there.
When he resigned from the BJP, Motkupalli expected a red-carpet welcome into the TRS. Though months have elapsed, there is no invite from the TRS. He is now an appendage of the TRS and is praising both the TRS and KCR to no end. He has even turned into a brand ambassador for the Dalit Bandhu scheme of KCR. Yet, Motkupalli has not been formally admitted into the ruling TRS.
He has entertained high hopes of being made the chairperson of the Dalit Bandhu implementation corporation. But, even that appointment is eluding him. People who joined the party after him were welcomed by KCR with open arms. For instance, former TDP colleague Peddireddy was welcomed by KCR himself. Congress leader Kaushik Reddy has been recommended to the Legislative council under the Governor’s quota. Amid all these, Motkupalli’s claims have been kept aside.
Motkupalli is getting exasperated at the delay in admitting him into the party. He is said to be lamenting before his close associates about the way KCR was employing his by now famous ‘use-and-throw’ strategy on him. He feels that his wait would end soon and that he would be suitably rewarded.