Ever since Pawan Kalyan lashed out at the government of Andhra Pradesh at the pre-release event of Republic, the YSRCP-led government and its representatives have been giving a handful to Pawan Kalyan. YCP senior leaders are fuming on Pawan Kalyan for his derogatory comments on the chief minister of Andhra Pradesh YS Jagan Mohan Reddy and also a minister in the Andhra Pradesh cabinet. Yesterday, YSRCP supported Posani Krishna Murali held a press meet and called Pawan Kalyan names as a token of protest against the latter’s recent comments on the government of Andhra Pradesh and others those in power.
Incidentally, YSRCP MP Margani Bharat opened up about the whole scenario and also commented about the proposed online cinema ticketing portal that is being taken forward by the Jagan-led government. Bharat came up with a detailed analysis on what he believes is the theory behind the online ticketing portal proposal.
“Our Telugu heroes take remunerations to the tune of Rs 50 – Rs 100 crores. They might also take Rs 150 crores, we don’t know about that. What is the need for them to take as many crores remuneration? The producer cant pay these exorbitant amounts upfront so he strikes a deal with the heroes, saying he will give them shares in the profits of the respective films. So, the production and distribution chain is left with no other option but to hike the ticket prices as they have to recover the investment, rake up profits, and also give a share for every ticket sold. With so many logistic involved a cinema ticket that should be sold for Rs 100 is being remitted for Rs 500. Of the Rs 500, Rs 400 is black money. A large part of the black money goes to the hero of the film. Consequently, the circulation of black money in Telugu cinema has increased beyond leaps and bounds. What the AP government is proposing is the development of an online portal to sell cinema tickets. Through which, every rupee earned is accounted. This way, the black money circulation can be restrained.” Bharat said in a media interaction.