After launching a fierce attack on the Andhra Pradesh government on the online movie tickets portal row, Janasena supremo Power Star Pawan Kalyan had taken forward his attack on the government on Twitter. Raising his voice on various issues, Pawan Kalyan targeted the government.
Though he didn’t mention any names, Pawan Kalyan indirectly responded to Posani Krishna Murali’s comments and said, neither he nor the Janasena party activists will talk about women family members of YSRCP members.
Will you talk about women in our family when we raise our voice against the issues and problems in the state. If you don’t know what good behavior is. Our party workers will tell you what good manners and behavior is. We will teach them manners that their parents could not, Pawan Kalyan said.
Finding fault with the foul language used by the YSRCP leaders, Pawan Kalyan said, he too can use the language as he belongs to Bapatla. One thing that YSRCP leaders don’t know is fear. We will teach them fear. If we talk about Babai’s murder and Kodi Kathi’s case, they are targeting us personally, Pawan said.
Neither my father nor my father-in-law was Chief Minister. My father didn’t give me the Idupulapaya estate. I have Entered politics with my nature of reacting when another person is subjected to any injustice, Pawan added.