Few days ago there was news that Ram Charan’s film will have Vijetha as the title. Fans felt happy to know that Charan opting for this title as Vijetha was one of the memorable films in Chiru’s career. But as per latest reports, the film is not titled Vijetha.
Krishna Vamsi is sticking with Govindudu Andari Vadele title only. The veteran director feels that Govindudu Andari Vadele is sounding very traditional and attracts families. Although Vijetha was given serious thought finally Govindudu Andari Vadele has been finalized. First look of this film will be launched on the eve of Charan’s birthday (March 27).
Ram Charan is going to appear completely different from all his previous movies in Govindudu Andari Vadele. Incidentally this title was used as tagline for NTR’s Brindavanam. Mega fans didn’t like the idea of having this title, but the director is more than convinced with Govindudu Andari Vadele. Looks like, Charan too bowed down to Vamsi’s pressure.