Busy with Santosh Srinivas’ movie ‘Rabhasa’, Junior is considering various options like director Sukumar’s action based love story and Trivikram’s masala entertainer. In the middle, his previous director Vamsi Paidipally has come up with a multi-starrer project where King Nagarjuna is heard getting on board. But after listening to the final version, it is heard that NTR is not satisfied with the output and instantly he decided to scrap the project. He asked Vamsi to come up with another script rather this multi-starrer.
On the other hand, Jr NTR is looking forward to finalize one among Sukumar, Trivikram and Puri Jagan. For now, all the projects are just in discussing stage, and he wants Rabhasa to get released and elections to get over before taking up any new challenges, an insider said.