In a blistering attack on Telangana Jagruti president Kavitha, star actor questioned her over the funds inflow to her outfit. Pawan asked Kavitha to reveal the financial accounts of Telangana Jagruthi to people of Telangana. Many have expected a thunderous response from TRS on this. Contrary to it, taking everyone by surprise, TRS is maintaining an eerie of silence over Pawan’s strong allegations.
TRS MLA and Kavitha’s brother K. Taraka Rama Rao reluctantly responded and said that they decided to not to respond on Pawan’s statements. Whereas Kavitha is no where in the whole scene. This is raising many eyebrows as KTR, KCR are usually hyper-reactive. We hear that TRS want to downplay the issue to subdue the alleged “fund irregularities” in Telangana Jagruthi. Hope truth prevails soon.