Popular actress Megha Akash’s upcoming new film, which has Rahul Vijay in the lead role, was formally launched today. The movie has Natakireeti Rajendra Prasad playing a key role in it. Director Abhimanyu Buddhi is helming the film.
Megha Akash’s mother Bindu Akash is presenting the movie, and it is produced by Kota Film Factory and Trippy Pics Studios. A Sushanth Reddy and Abhishek Kota are the producers.
Speaking on the occasion, Megha said, “I am pleased to work with Sushanth and Abhimanyu again after Dear Megha. I am also happy that my mother is presenting the film.”
Rahul said, “This film has a very good concept. It is a cool romantic-comedy film. We are very passionate about the movie and we need your blessings.”
Actor Arjun Kalyan said “This is a new-age romantic entertainer. The movie has talented pair Rahul and Megha and it also stars veteran actor Rajendra Prasad. We will complete the filming in 25 days.”
Set in Goa backdrop, the movie has several seasoned actors in prominent roles.