Veteran actor Prudhvi Raj, who is famous for his ‘Thirty Years of Industry’ dialogue, has acted in over 200 films. He then entered politics and joined the ruling YSRCP. Given his hard work, Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy gave him a good post at TTD. Due to some well-known reasons, Prudhvi was removed from the post. Speaking on behalf of YSRCP, the actor-politician passed many hard comments on the Mega family over the years.
In a recent interview, Prudhvi has apologized for his comments against the Mega family and others in the film industry.
“Politics is not for the faint of heart. Getting the post was a god’s blessing for me. I do a lot of hard work wherever I am. But I had a lesson. I said a few words incorrectly at the time. Even knowing that I was with the opposite party, Chiranjeevi encouraged me giving a role in his Sye Raa movie. When all my dear ones left me, the film industry stood behind me,”
he said.
“I would like to apologize to Chiranjeevi, Pawan Kalyan, Nagababu and all the mega family heroes. I will come to you soon,” he added.