Superstar Mahesh Babu’s wife Namrata Shirodkar is a name that needs no introduction. The former Miss India got married to Mahesh in 2005 and gave birth to Gautham and Sitara. Mahesh and Namrata met during the shoot of ‘Vamsi’ and dated for a couple of years before entering the wedlock. Ever since she got married, Namrata quit acting and took care of the family and Mahesh’s business endeavours.
Prior to their marriage, Namrata was a top model and did some notable films in Bollywood too. She is friends with a lot of Bollywood folk and maintains good relationships with them even today. Born in Mumbai, the 50-year-old is quite active on social media. She always posts pictures of her son, daughter and her husband. She comes up with videos and clicks which were taken during their regular family vacations.
Recently, Namrata took a trip back to the memory lane. She posted some photos which were taken back in the 90s and early 2000s when she was a model and an actress. She looked very young and beautiful back then. Posting these clicks, she wrote, “We all met up on the LA – Mexico cruise liner.. and what a blast it was!!! Friends for a lifetime. G, you’re missing the other pictures… lucky enough to get my hands on it! Enjoying the memories.”
In these clicks, we can see Namrata hanging out with her friends like Shah Rukh Khan, Gauri Khan, Sangeeta Bijlani, Deanne Panday, Chunky Panday, Sharmilla Khanna, Queenie Singhh, Rhea Pillai and others.