While all arrangements are taking place for the release of Ram Charan’s Nayak for Sankranthi, the song “laila O laila” from this film is doing hul chul in internet with its full video footage. The film unit is breaking their heads to find how this video footage got leaked. Recently the same thing happened in case of Ram Charan’s another project ‘Yevadu’ under the direction of Vamsi Paidipally.
The song ‘Gajuwaka center kada’ from Yevadu composed by Devi Sri Prasad is also flying in the web with full video content. But from the water mark showing ‘FOR HERO’ on both the songs from Nayak and Yevadu, it is evident that both the songs were leaked by one. The film unit which has locked the video footage of this film is taking all necessary steps to find the source for this act and even ready to make a legal move.