Nandamuri Kalyan Ram is celebrating his birthday today and fans have already received a present in the form of ‘Bimbisara’ trailer. It is getting a lot of good response from everyone and there are good expectations on the movie. Apart from ‘Bimbisara’, Kalyan Ram is working on a couple of other projects too.
One of them is #NKR19 and it is being produced under Mythri Movie Makers banner. They released a special poster on Kalyan Ram’s birthday and it looks very interesting. It has a dark tone to it and there are a lot of machine guns on the table. There is a hand touching them and we can assure you that it is Kalyan Ram’s.
This untitled film #NKR19 is all set to unveil its first look and title soon. The poster definitely raises a good buzz on the movie and let us see what look Kalyan Ram is going to sport.
Coming back to Bimbisara, the high-budget socio-fantasy action film is arriving on 5th August. Directed by Madhiki Vashist, the entire team seems to have worked very hard to give such a grand output. Produced by Hari Krishna K, Chota K Naidu is the cinematographer while MM Keeravani composed the music.
Anil Paduri is the VFX producer while Chitrantan Bhatt took care of the songs. Tammiraju is the editor while Venkat and Ram Krishan designed the stints. Vasudev Muneppagari penned the dialogues while Sreedhar Ganta and Nimmagadda Srikanth are the script associates.