Young and promising talent Kiran Abbavaram is celebrating his birthday today and the makers of his upcoming films are giving gifts to the hero in the form of video glimpses and first looks. Already, the glimpse of ‘Vinaro Bhagyamu Vishnu Katha’ and first look of ‘Meter’ arrived to attract the audience. Now, the poster of his ‘Rules Ranjann’ came out and looks very stylish. Unlike his usual films, Kiran Abbavaram looks quite classy in this poster with a suit on.
With papers flying all over, Kiran is walking with a bag in his hand and has a big to-do list at the back. With spectacles on, he looks neat and tidy. The tagline of this movie is “Love has No Riles!”. Aside from Kiran, the movie also features Vennela Kishore, Himani, Vaishali, Jayavani, Mumtaz, Satya, Annu Kapoor, Siddharth Sen, Atul Parchure, Ashish Vidhyarthi, Ajay and others.
Presented by AM Ratnam, this movie is produced under Star Light Entertainments and Sai Surya Movies. Ratnam Krishna is the writer and director of this film. While the poster creates a positive vibe, one may get a feeling that the movie may run on the similar lines of Sharwanand and Maruthi’s ‘Mahanubhavudu’. That film is about a hero who has OCD but risks it all for his love. Going by the tagline, ‘Rules Ranjann’ might also have a similar storyline.