The Regional Censor Board committee in Hyderabad had watched the special screening of Allari Naresh’s ‘Yamudiki Mogudu’ yesterday. The censor certificate will be awarded on Monday after the makers make the advised cuts. The movie is now gearing up for release on 27th of this month. . The movie reportedly has 1 hour of Graphics work and is carrying huge craze in the trade.
The makers of the movie have used the title of Megastar Chiranjeevi’s 1988 blockbuster movie, Yamudiki Mogudu for their movie. Chiranjeevi’s super hit song ‘Aththo aththamma koothuro’ is being remixed for this movie. Richa Panay is playing the female lead. Ramyakrishna will be seen as her mother. E.Saththibabu is directing this movie while it is being produced by Chanti Addala.