While this is not the first time that Dasari has indirectly expressed his displeasure with the star actor of Nayak Ram Charan, this time he went on to state that the film lacks in quality. He said that these are commercial movies which are lined up for Sankranthi are similar to Rajnikanth’s Baasha. However, when he said commercial movies lined up for Sankranthi, he did not mean Seethamma Vaakitlo Sirimalle Chettu as he felt that this movie belonged to a different genre all together. Impliedly, he targeted Ram Charan’s upcoming Nayak.
As it is openly known in the industry about the animosity between Dasari and Ram Charan’s star family,it was obvious that Dasari intended his remarks for Nayak only. However, it is definitely quite unpleasant to see a veteran person mouthing such words for the newcomer and young Ram Charan. It seems that Dasari is stooping low just to express his issues with Ram Charan’s illustrious family. If such is the case,then it is not Ram Charan’s reputation that is at stake but it is Dasari’s reputation that will be affected.