Actor Nandamuri Balakrishna’s reputation has gone under a major makeover in the last year, with the actor even tasting back to back success with Akhanda and Unstoppable. Akhanda went on to become Balayya’s biggest hit of his career, while his OTT debut, the talk show, Unstoppable, turned out to be one of the best rated shows on IMDB.
It has now come to light that this is majorly due to Balayya’s daughter Tejaswini, who is working as the Creative Consultant for Unstoppable, and is also taking care of his costumes, along with the ‘Aha’ team. She is also said to have decided to take care of her father’s career more pro-actively, deciding which scripts he should take up and which directors he should work with.
It is also being said that Tejaswini is planning to float her own banner and that this banner would make its debut with Balayya’s movie, for which the right director and script are yet to be finalised.