The Telangana wing of the Bharatiya Janata Party suffered a big shock with the Munugode by-election result. The party and the leaders were confident that Komatireddy Raj Gopal Reddy will win the election and take the MLAs count of the party in the state to four.
However, he fell short of expectations and lost the polls with over 10,000 votes. In the highest-polled election, the saffron party tasted a big blow. The BJP gave its best and could not win the by-election despite Komatireddy Raj Gopal Reddy being the former MLA of the Assembly constituency.
Amid this, Union Cabinet Minister Kishan Reddy made some sensational comments. He said that BJP had a moral win in the by-election and they gave a tough fight to the TRS. He also alleged that the ruling party threatened the voters of stopping the welfare schemes.
Having said that, the Union Minister said the main game has started now and the party will work hard to fight against the TRS and the saffron party will aim at forming the government. He expressed confidence that BJP will win the next general polls.
There is nothing wrong with what Kishan Reddy said. Munugode has been a stronghold of the Congress party as the party candidate has been winning the polls. Before this election BJP tried its luck in the elections once. When the party went to the polls it barely managed to get 10,000 votes.
Now Komatireddy Raj Gopal Reddy got the second highest votes in the constituency after Kusukuntla Prabhakar Reddy. In a few areas, Raj Gopal Reddy got a majority in TRS strongholds too.