Young Star Prabhas’s ‘Rebel’ which released few months ago not only became a thorn in the flesh of fans but also the makers of the movie. The producers of the movie, J.Bhagawan and J.Pullarao, have lodged a complaint in producers council against the director Lawrence then alleging that the director has accepted to complete the movie ‘Rebel’ with a budget of Rs.22.5 crores. However, the makers had to shell out Rs. 45 crores at the end of the shoot. The two producers held Lawrence as the responsibility for not honoring the agreement. Finally, the meeting of the two parties took place yesterday in Film chamber and the council instructed Lawerence to pay 2.5C compensation for the Producers.
Lawrence had agreed to pay an amount of Rs.2.5cr to the producers within one month of time and he has agreed to pay another amount of Rs 25 lakhs as service charges to the committee for the settlement.