The issue came up for discussion at the meeting held on Thursday with the ministers and legislators of Hyderabad and Ranga Reddy districts at Gandhi Bhavan. PCC Chief Botcha Satyanarayana discussed with these leaders about the arrangements and organization of the Convention.
Botcha advised the party leaders to bring at least 500 party activists from each constituency. At this juncture, Jubilee Hills MLA P. Vishnuvardhan Reddy asked the PCC Chief what the leadership would tell the cadre at the convention about the Telangana issue.
Responding to Vishnuvardhan Reddy’s question, PCC Chief said the issue cannot be solved at the State level and an all-party meeting on Telangana issue would be held in New Delhi on December 28 to solve the issue. Botcha asked the leaders not to raise the Telangana issue in the party convention.
Later, Major Industries Minister Dr J Geetha Reddy and MLC Indrasen Reddy asked the PCC president what the leadership would say if someone raised the Telangana issue in the convention. Botcha replied that he would convince the leaders not to obstruct the meeting with ‘Jai Telangana’ or ‘Samaikyandhra’ slogans.
When MLC Yadava Reddy raised the issue of inviting two representatives from each party by the Union Home Ministry and that would send wrong signals to people about the party, Botcha said there was no need to discuss about the letters sent by the Union Home Ministry inviting two representatives from each party. He also said that he would bring this issue to the notice of the Union Home Ministry.