Looks like the entire team of Rudramma Devi 3D is determined to make the movie monumental in Telugu. Recently, the technical team had done a 3D trial shoot in Germany with the help of local experts and on the other side, Gunasekhar and art director Thota Tharani had visited historical monuments in Warangal to prepare the production designs. And now it is the turn of Anushka who will be playing the historical figure of Rani Rudramma Devi in the movie. The movie will go on to floors in February, 2013 and Anushka reportedly will undergo rigorous training for 45 days for her role in the movie. She will go through several historical books and movies and practice the body language of Rudramma Devi.
Guna will himself produce the movie and had roped in some top class technicians on to the project. Director Gunasekhar says that the film will be India’s first historical stereoscopic 3D film