Mega Power Star Ram Charan has unveiled the teaser of the thriller web-series ‘Puli Meka’ which will be streamed on ZEE5. Kona Venkat has conceived and created this project which has Lavanya Tripathi and Aadi Saikumar playing the lead roles.
A monster is on the loose in the city, killing one person after another. The mystery serial killer disguises himself as an animal and operates at night times. The police department is on the edge at a time when residents are frightened to the hilt. The tension is built effectively. We see Lavanya Tripathi enter the screen in the role of a no-nonsense investigator who wants to solve the case at the earliest. Suman plays a top cop while Aadi Saikumar plays an occasionally flirtatious and otherwise serious-minded forensic analyst who teams up with the SIT led by Lavanya’s character.
The team seems to have written impressive characterizations and situations laced with occasional humour. Astrology is an important ingredient in the story, something the teaser doesn’t reveal for now. K Chakravarthy Reddy directed this series which will be coming out on 24th February. Apart from Lavanya and Aadi, Goparaju, Raja, Siri Hanmanth, Srinivas and Spandhana Palli played major roles. Ram K Mahesh is the cinematographer while Kona Venkat and Venkatesh Kilaru penned the story. Neeraja Kona is the costume designer while Brahma Kadali is the production designer.
ZEE5 has been dishing out a wide variety of content in various formats in Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam, Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati, Bengali and other languages. After presenting the comedy-drama ‘Oka Chinna Family Story’ from Pink Elephant Pictures, ‘Loser 2’ from Annapurna Studios stable, ‘Gaalivaana’ from BBC Studios and NorthStar Entertainment, ‘Recce’, ‘Hello World’, ‘Maa Neella Tank’, ‘Aha Naa Pellanta’ and most recently ‘ATM’, ‘Puli Meka’ is the latest offering from them.