TDP leader and MP Nandamuri Hari Krishna has expressed anger at both his brothers-in-law Chandra Babu Naidu and Dr. Venkateswara Rao. He said both were dragging the image of the family to roads, over the statue of his late father N T Rama Rao.
Stating that it was the desire of all the family members that NTR’s statue should be erected in the Parliament, Hari Krishna said it was not important as to who was responsible for it. He said it was improper on the part of any one to politicize who was instrumental for it. He also felt that it was just a family matter and neither the TDP nor the sons-in-law (Naidu and Daggubati) should intervene in it.
Hari Krishna has also said that the party’s image has suffered because of three MPs abstaining from the voting on the FDIs in the Rajya Sabha. He said because of what they had done, they were unable to stand upright and show their faces to other opposition members.