‘Varahi’ which created a sensation across the Telugu states finally hit the roads and came out of the Jana Sena party office as announced by the party. Pawan Kalyan who is celebrating the formatting day of Janasena is traveling in the vehicle to reach the meeting point in Machilipatnam. The journey which started in Vijayawada reached Machilipatnam. Pawan would address the gathering at the meeting. There is an opinion that Pawan would mention key issues as the elections are one year away.
Earlier, the ruling party leaders said they will see how Varahi will hit the roads. Pawan Kalyan hit back saying he will see who stops the bus.
Amid this, the vehicle hit the road. People gathered in big numbers to see Pawan and raised CM slogans. On the other hand, Pawan Kalyan stood on top of the vehicle and greeted everyone.
While Janasena who is on his way to Machilipatnam from Vijayawada is getting a big response, Janasena supporters are happily looking at the response.Pawan Kalyan’s journey for the 10th formation day is going on as per the schedule. Pawan Kalyan started from Vijayawada Novatel and reached Auto Nagar.
Pawan Kalyan got a grand welcome when he entered Varahi. He will reach Machilipatnam by covering Tadigadapa junction, Poranki Junction, Penamaluru Junction, and Gudur center. Not just Janasainiks, but even people watching TV are saying that Pawan Kalyan’s journey on Varahi is going well.