Sai Dharam Tej took a gap from films to recover from the accident and finally arrived with ‘Virupaksha’ last weekend. This mystery thriller which released last week got a unanimous positive talk and the collections are very good. The Hindi version is coming out on 5th May and this movie directed by Karthik Dandu has impressed everyone. Not many heroes attempt this genre but Sai Dharam Tej did it and got his reward.
Even before that, he tried a hard-hitting subject like ‘Republic’ which got critical acclaim but failed at the box office. People are expecting different and impressive content from Sai Dharam Tej every time as he came out of the commercial mould with his recent movies. There is a lot of curiosity surrounding Sai Dharam Tej’s next film and it looks like ‘Racha’ fame Sampath Nandi is going to direct it.
During an interaction with fans on Twitter, Sai Dharam was asked if he could do a mass film and the actor tagged Sampath Nandi and asked if he is ready. Even the director replied that he is ready which makes it obvious even though they did not officially announce it. While the combination is quite interesting, it has to be considered that it has been more than a decade since Sampath Nandi delivered a hit.
After ‘Racha’, he made movies like ‘Bengal Tiger’, ‘Gautham Nanda’ and ‘Seetimaar’. None of them were proper hits and his movies are often criticised for being stuck in the commercial trap. He made a few films as a writer and producer but it has been a long time since he got a hit. Sai Dharam Tej is riding high on the success of ‘Virupaksha’. Complete commercial films like ‘Winner’ and ‘Intelligent’ backfired for the hero and we need to see how their combination works out.