The highly anticipated film “Anni Manchi Sakunamule,” directed by Nandini Reddy and starring Santosh Sobhan and Malvika Nair, is all set to hit the screens on the 18th of this month. This wholesome family entertainer boasts a stellar cast including Rajendra Prasad, Gautami, Naresh, and more, adding to the excitement surrounding its release.
The promotional campaign for the film has taken an interesting turn with the release of a new and hilarious video. It showcases a comical fight among the team members over their food preferences.
The actors from Telangana demand non-vegetarian dishes, while their Andhra counterparts insist on vegetarian fare. This clever promotional strategy by the makers adds an element of fun and intrigue to the film.
The music of “Anni Manchi Sakunamule” has been capturing the hearts of music lovers, with Mickey J Meyer delivering a delightful album filled with harmonious numbers. The songs perfectly complement the storyline and add depth to the overall cinematic experience.
One of the highlights of the film is the contrasting roles portrayed by Santosh Sobhan and Malavika Nair. Their performances promise to captivate the audience as they bring their unique characters to life on the screen, showcasing their versatility as actors.
As the release date draws near, anticipation for “Anni Manchi Sakunamule” continues to grow, with audiences eagerly awaiting the opportunity to experience this wholesome and entertaining cinematic delight.