Speaking to the media at CLP office here on Monday, Daggubati cautioned not to make worthless criticism against Purandeshwari. He questioned as to what Chandrababu, who used to say that he had great influence in New Delhi, did during his nine-year rule. He said that Chandrababu never taken care of installation of NTR statue in the Parliament.
He said that Chandrababu was also making an issue alleging that the Centre was not awarding the ‘Bharat Rathna’ to NTR. He also questioned Chandrababu as to why he failed to name after NTR the Airport during his rule. “It is ridiculous on the part of Chandrababu to ask the Congress Government now about it”, he alleged. He said that the Chandrababu Government entered into an agreement with the GMR Group to construct the Airport but Chandrababu had not proposed with the GMR to name after NTR to the Airport. He alleged that Chandrababu is misguiding the people criticizing Purandeshwari.