The upcoming Telugu film ‘Intinti Ramayanam’ is set to hit the screens on June 9th. Produced by Venkat Upputuri and Gopi Chand Innamuri under IVY Productions, the film is presented by Suryadevara Naga Vamsi and Maruthi team.
Written and directed by Suresh Naredla, the film features Naresh, Rahul Ramakrishna and Navya Swamy in key roles. As release date nearing, today makers released the trailer and it was unveiled by Star boy Siddhu Jonnalagadda. The trailer showcases a genuine family drama with a perfect blend of entertainment and emotions.
The trailer introduces a lovely and amusing Telangana family. The conversations, emotions, and love between them are what make this film so universally appealing. The family is now in chaos as a result of gold theft. It’s about a miscommunication created a rift in the family.
The film also stars Gangavva, Surabhi Prabhavathi, Anji Mama and others, ‘Intinti Ramayanam’ promises to be a cinematic treat for the audience, with its gripping story line, beautiful visuals, and soulful music – composed by Kalyani Malik.