Party senior leaders KK Mahender Reddy, Bajireddy Govardhan and Gattu Ramachandra Rao said they knew all along that there would be no decision in the core committee meeting. They said Congress was cheating the people through meetings and deadlines. Mahender Reddy earlier said they have no hope that a solution to the Telangana problem would be found now.
Talking to the media here on Friday, he said the Congress Core Committee would not decide anything. Stating that all other parties have already aired their views on Telangana, he said the Congress alone was not disclosing its stand on separate Telangana State. He said it was unbelievable that the party, which was hesitating even to disclose its views on Telangana would now solve the problem.
Bajireddy Govardhan said they would be happy if the Congress resolved the Telangana problem. Asked about the resignation of his party’s Kadapa MLAs, he said they resigned opposing bifurcation of Rayalaseema and not creation of Telangana.