After successive hits, talented director Anil Ravipudi is now directing Nandamuri Balakrishna. Their movie is named ‘Bhagavanth Kesari’ and the expectations have skyrocketed ever since the teaser dropped. The caption ‘I Don’t Care’ indicate his unrestrained attitude. Going by his look, Balakrishna will be seen playing a role that suits his age in this movie.
With Ganesh Chaturthi arriving next month, the team of ‘Bhagavanth Kesari’ decided to release the first song from the movie. The song is named ‘Ganesh Anthem’ and the makers released a colorful poster showcasing the festive vibe. With sunglasses on, Balayya is looking glorious in an orange kurta. He is seen playing the drums and this song is definitely going to be fast-paced and enjoyable.
The lyrical video is coming out on the 1st of September. Arjun Rampal will be seen playing the villain role in the movie. while Kajal Aggarwal will be seen as the heroine. Happening beauty Sreeleela is playing a major role in this movie and the details regarding her character are kept under wraps for now. Thaman will be giving the music for this film.
C Ram Prasad will oversee cinematography, Tammi Raju is the editor, and Rajeevan will be the production designer. V Venkat will choreograph the action part. Successful producers Sahu Garapati and Harish Peddi of Shine Screens. The makers filmed a peppy dance track recently and are making sure that the film surely releases on 19th October.