If the rumours rife in Film nagar are to be believed, Ram Charan starer Nayak’s dubbing rights for Tamil and Malayalam have been sold for Rs.1.40crs.This is the biggest price ever quoted for a Telugu film. On the other side, the last schedule of the movie began today in RFC. The audio launch of the film will take place on 14th December 2012 at the Shilpa Kala Vedika in Hyderabad.
The first look posters of the film were released recently and were greeted to good response. For the first time in his career, Ram Charan is playing dual role in the film. Kajal Agarwal and Amala Paul are the heroines. S S Thaman composes the music and one of the highlights of the audio album is remix version of Chiranjeevi’s super hit song – Subhaleka Rasukunna Eppudo.