Prime Minister Manmohan Singh for long has been regarded as puppet in the hands of Cong President Sonia Gandhi. On any subject he never used to open his mouth without getting prior approval from party president and UPA chairperson. So when it came to light that PM expressed his helplessness on telangana issue when MPs from the region met him and asked for announcement of T state by asking him to speak on the matter with Madame Sonia it came as nothing new.
Infact if any of the Cong representatives are shocked then they may be new to this phenomenon but experienced persons will only be surprised if PM arrives at any decision. The incident happened when Se leader and RS member V.Hanumath Rao met Manmohan SIngh and asked him for how long telangana issue will be dragged. He requested by announcing telangana atleast the party could be saved in one region.
PM without answering the question directly adviced him to speak on the subject with President Sonia Gandhi.When VH tried to speak about importance of telangana, he asked him to do the same to Sonia or state incharge Azad. When VH said he informed to all important people, PM once again insisted on the importance to speak to Sonia.