As Telugu audiences welcome the festive spirit of Sankranthi, actress Rukshar Dhillon’s latest film, “Naa Saami Rang,” has arrived to paint the season with cinematic vibrancy. Directed by Vijay Binni and adapted from the acclaimed Malayalam hit “Porinju Mariam Jose,” the film promises a heartwarming family experience laced with drama and captivating performances.
Rukshar, brimming with excitement, took to social media to share pictures from the sets, offering a glimpse into the film’s camaraderie. One shot captures her in a lighthearted moment with veteran actor Nagarjuna, while another reunites the entire cast, including co-stars Ashika Ranganath, Mirnaa Menon, Raj Tharun, and Allari Naresh.
Expressing her joy in the caption, Rukshar hails “Naa Saami Rang” as the perfect Sankranthi family entertainer. She highlights her appreciation for the “incredible team” behind the film, praising Nagarjuna for his infectious passion for cinema and genuine spirit. Acknowledgement is also extended to director Vijay Binni and co-star Raj Tharun for their contributions to the project.
Rukshar goes on to express heartfelt gratitude to the entire cast, praising their stellar performances. Allari Naresh, Mirnaa Menon, and Ashika Ranganath all receive her admiration, with special mention given to Ashika’s particularly shining performance.
The actress concludes her message by expressing immense gratitude to the legendary M. M. Keeravaani, the film’s Oscar-winning music director. She praises his ability to create both soulful and energetic compositions that elevate the film’s narrative. Finally, Rukshar extends a warm invitation to the audience, urging them to experience “Naa Saami Rang” on the big screen. She seeks their love and support for the film, hoping to share the joy of Sankranthi festivities through this captivating cinematic journey.
With Rukshar’s infectious enthusiasm and the promise of a talented cast and heartwarming story, “Naa Saami Rang” appears poised to add a delightful sparkle to this year’s Sankranthi celebrations. Audiences looking for a wholesome family experience combined with exceptional performances and the magic of the festive season are sure to find something to cherish in this film. So, gather your loved ones, grab some popcorn, and immerse yourselves in the vibrant world of “Naa Saami Rang” for an unforgettable cinematic experience.