As Pragati Srivatsava gears up for a big career in the movie industry, she is hoping to act with talented actors in the film industry. The actress made her debut in “Peddha Kapu 1,” the much-anticipated movie directed by Srikanth Addala. The actress hails from a humble background and she enjoys a decent fan base on social media.
On Instagram, the actress Pragati always shares some interesting pictures on social media, where she is seen donning designer wear and traditional outfits. In one of the outfits, the actress is seen covering her upper body with a bag-like cover, and she tried to be innovative.
“What’s coming? #awwwrat2.0” wrote the actress on her social media profile.
One of the fans funnily posted a comment which reads, “Wowwww super creative, I appreciate your awareness about Avoid Plastic cover bag,” while a lot of others specially appreciated the actress for her sense in the photoshoot.
While her debut in “Manu Charitra” went somewhat unnoticed, “Peddha Kapu 1” serves as her official launch in Telugu cinema. She hopes to make it big soon.