Tripti Dimri, the actress who gained national recognition after her captivating performance in the action-drama “Animal,” has garnered attention for her recent social media post celebrating her friend Sam Merchant’s birthday. While their relationship status remains unconfirmed, rumors of them being romantically involved have swirled for some time.
Dimri’s birthday wish featured a heartwarming collage of two photos: a throwback image from 2017 showcasing their early acquaintance and a recent picture capturing them enjoying a bike ride together. The playful caption, “Happy Birthday @sam__merchant (red heart emoji) wish we could be as thin again without having to skip Ram shaam pani puri..,” added a touch of humor and fueled speculation about their closeness.
Merchant, a former model and the founder of the luxury accommodation Casa Waters in Goa, has established himself as a successful entrepreneur.
Adding to the intrigue, Dimri is currently working alongside Vicky Kaushal in an upcoming project. However, industry sources close to the production of “Aashiqui 3” claim that she has been locked in as the female lead opposite Kartik Aaryan. This casting choice, if confirmed, would mark another significant step in Dimri’s blossoming career.