Shah Rukh Khan’s recent film, “Dunki,” generated significant anticipation before its theatrical release and subsequent arrival on Netflix on February 15th. While not matching the box office success of other major Bollywood releases like “Pathaan” and “Jawan,” it still earned a respectable ₹400 crore. However, comparisons with “Salaar” and criticisms labeling it as director Rajkumar Hirani’s weakest work have sparked discussion.
The lack of extensive Netflix promotion for “Dunki” raises questions, as the platform typically employs various strategies to boost viewership for big-budget films. Examples include special trailers, pre-release interviews, social media campaigns, and even large-scale physical advertising like the Mahesh Babu mural for “Salaar.” This contrasts with the limited promotion for “Dunki,” consisting only of a brief video byte from Shah Rukh Khan.
Fans have expressed dissatisfaction with Netflix’s seemingly lower level of effort for “Dunki” compared to other films, including smaller projects like “Guntur Karam” and “Animal.” This discrepancy prompts speculation about the reasons behind the different approaches.
Interestingly, Netflix has invested heavily in acquiring rights for various Telugu and Tamil projects, suggesting a strategic focus on expanding its South Indian content library. This raises further questions about whether “Dunki’s” marketing strategy reflects a shift in priorities for the platform.
It’s important to present a neutral perspective on this issue, avoiding subjective statements and focusing on factual information. The write-up avoids making claims about Netflix’s internal decision-making process or the effectiveness of its marketing strategies. Instead, it highlights the observed differences in promotion, fan reactions, and broader industry trends, leaving the questions about Netflix’s approach open for discussion and informed analysis.